Last updated: 2021/05/03

Tehran Golden Adobe Global Award (TGAGA)

Tehran, Iran
Secretariat of Golden Adobe Award | Communications and International Affairs Center of Tehran Municipality
Claim/Job description
Language skills

Since the process of urbanization of communities is growing rapidly, today’s cities are facing serious demographic, economic, social, and environmental challenges and in the absence of an effective and efficient planning, the consequences of urbanization in different communities would be critical. Therefore, the international communities should strengthen their cooperation within different urban dimensions and important urban topics such as urban infrastructure, management, services, etc. In order to achieve the vision, in 2013, the United Nations General Assembly on the basis of a proposal by the Economic and Investment Committee, decided to hold the “World Cities Day” on 31 October each year. The day was reported to all United Nations member states, international and affiliated organizations, civil societies and all relevant stakeholders. In this regard, the United Nations Program for Human Settlement is the coordinator of the programs

For the first time, a joint ceremony was held by the Communication and International Affairs Center of Tehran Municipality and representative of the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-HABITAT) in Iran, on 31 October 2014, at Tehran’s Goft-e Gou Park to mark the World Cities Day. In the presence of a number of urban officials, international figures, and urban experts, Tehran Golden Adobe Award was unveiled during the ceremony

In 2015, the second edition of the award’s ceremony was officially inaugurated in Tehran by the speech of Goshtasb Mozaffari, Director of International Relations at Tehran Municipality and General Secretary of the award. Some 330 projects took part in the event and the jury chose the best 24 projects at the end.

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