urban sustainability exchange

use is an online platform dedicated to promoting sustainable urban development. It showcases successful programmes, projects and policies and connects citymakers who work in this field.

About use

use (formerly Policy Transfer Platform) was launched in 2014 as a Metropolis Initiative led and co-founded by the City of Berlin.

Be part of the community!

With your help, use provides a global resource for urban practitioners, experts and researchers who wish to learn from examples around the world in order to improve their own city. We invite you to share your expertise with the use.community!


About Berlin

The City of Berlin has been a member of Metropolis since 1991. The Governing Mayor of Berlin is Co-President of Metropolis; Berlin hosted the Presidency of Metropolis from August 2018 until November 2020.

The use platform is managed by the Division for International Affairs of the Berlin Senate Chancellary.


About Metropolis

Metropolis, World Association of the Major Metropolises, is the global network of major cities and metropolitan areas. It brings together the governments of 141 urban agglomerations worldwide.

The association is the focal point of expertise on metropolitan governance. Raising the voices of metropolises to the global agenda and building capacity to deliver public policies and services, Metropolis contributes to finding common answers to the challenges of metropolisation. Metropolis operates, as well, as the metropolitan section of the World Organisation of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), since its constitution, in 2004.


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