Last updated: 2020/03/31

Edmundo Werna

Cairo, Egypt
In transit from the International Labour Office, United Nations, to the School of the Built Environment and Architecture, London South Bank University
Claim/Job description
Senior level Urbanist
Language skills

Worked for over 35 years on different aspects of the environment and urban development with particular attention to governance, livelihoods, health and housing. Joined the ILO (United Nations’ International Labour Office) in 2004. One of his main responsibilities at the ILO was to provide technical support to the Habitat III process. Also involved in ILO’s partnerships with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, United Cities and Local Governments and many other actors.

Started his career in the 1980s working in field activities such as territorial planning. Prior to joining the ILO, designed and implemented the environmental and urban development agendas of UNDP’s UN Volunteers Programme. Also undertook consultancies for several organizations, including local governments, WHO, European Commission, the World Bank, UN-Habitat, UNCDF/UNDP and also the ILO. The consultancies entailed different aspects of the urban environment.

PhD in urban development from the University of London (UK), MPhil in development studies from the Institute of Development Studies in Sussex (UK), and a Bachelor’s degree in urbanism and architecture from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil).

Academic experience entailed research and lecturing in British, Brazilian and Italian universities and at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the US. Published eight books in the UK and USA, plus many chapters in edited books and several articles in scientific journals. Currently a member of the editorial board of the journals Habitat International and International Journal of Sustainable Urban Development.

Received a number of awards, including the Earth Summit 2002 Sustainable Development Award (given by RCA and Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future), the O. Koenigsberger Award for Best Article of the journal Habitat International (1996); honours mention for two articles in the Jorge Hardoy Prize (2000). Co-authored a chapter of the edited book which won the British Medical Association’s Prize for Best Book (1997). One of his WHO projects was chosen as best practice for the Hanover 2000 Exhibition. Two of his UNV projects also received prizes, and a third one has been selected as Best Practice for the UN-Habitat / Dubai Awards.

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