Last updated: 2024/03/26

Jordi Sala

Barcelona (área metropolitana), Spain
Urban Resilience, S.L.
Claim/Job description
CEO Urban Resilience, S.L.
Language skills

Former self-taught entrepreneur and visionary. The industrial engineer and member of the Smart Cities Working Group of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia Jordi Sala has been a finalist in the 12th Cycle of the Dubai International Award for Sustainable Practices with the Sumosu Stations project which he can implement and implement thanks to the his company, Urban Resilience. The jury has considered it among the best proposals in the Urban Infrastructure Planning and Management category.

The network of Sumosu stations are a public access infrastructure for recharging a city's entire electric mobility system, serving the needs of users ranging from taxis to buses, car-sharing fleets and private vehicles. These are stations that have been designed to become key infrastructures for efficient interaction with the grid and thus increase its security and reliability by favoring the distribution of energy at a local level. The ceremony will take place at the end of March.
Sala is involved in several sustainable mobility projects. Within the Working Group he launched 'The ecosystemic transition in cities based on an infrastructural solution', based on a strategy for the transition towards a decarbonised model in cities. The project offers the citizen a decarbonized alternative to the use of the car for occasional use (MaaS). Its objective was to develop the technical and economic characteristics of the service that supports the supply of electrical energy to vehicles, defining the infrastructure that physically integrates fleets of vehicles with the storage of electricity with new and second-hand batteries, and deploying the called Smart Grids with stationary storage to give flexibility to the network. In this way, electricity from renewable sources could be integrated and distributed with consideration of the figure of the aggregator

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