Last updated: 2019/08/06

Seoul Solution

Seoul , South Korea
Seoul Solution
Claim/Job description
Think Tank

Seoul Solution is a think tank dedicated to promoting examples of successful urban development policies and projects conducted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

The organisation gathers case studies that form good practice and is tasked with disseminating Seoul’s experience and know-how to interested citizens and urban practitioners in Seoul and to other cities worldwide. In addition, Seoul Solution gives advice and tools to cities that are rapidly growing on how to achieve urban development in a more sustainable way. Seoul Solution is co-managed by the Global Urban Partnership Division of the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Institute.

Case studies from Seoul Solution

One Less Nuclear Power Plant
Seoul , South Korea

One Less Nuclear Power Plant

The initiative aims at reducing energy consumption and increasing renewable energy production to compensate for one nuclear power plant
Seoul Night Bus based on Big Data Technology
Seoul , South Korea

Seoul Night Bus based on Big Data Technology

The Seoul Night Bus, also known as the "Owl Bus", makes Seoul’s public transportation service ceaseless for the city’s late night commuters
Seoul Transport Operation and Information Service (TOPIS)
Seoul , South Korea

Seoul Transport Operation and Information Service (TOPIS)

TOPIS gathers and processes real-time information to enable the city to efficiently manage road and subway train traffic.
Eco-Mileage System
Seoul , South Korea

Eco-Mileage System

The eco-mileage system is an incentive program for citizens and organizations to reduce energy consumption.
Seoul Public Transportation Reform in 2004
Seoul , South Korea

Seoul Public Transportation Reform in 2004

The reform focuses on the reorganization of Seoul's bus system to make it more attractive and to reduce social costs due to car mobility.
Dongdaemun Design Plaza
Seoul , South Korea

Dongdaemun Design Plaza

The Dongdaemun Design Plaza is a multiple complex to house a center for the design and fashion industry and a history and culture park.
Seoul , South Korea

No-Driving Day Campaign: One Day per Week

The No-Driving Day initiative is a campaign based on the citizens’ voluntary participation to drive less and use public transport more.
Seoul Urban Renewal: Cheonggyecheon Stream Restoration
Seoul , South Korea

Seoul Urban Renewal: Cheonggyecheon Stream Restoration

Cheonggyecheon Stream has been transformed into a 10.9 km (7.0 miles) modern public recreation space in downtown Seoul.

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Seoul , South Korea

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