Last updated: 2023/02/06

Bernardo Ribeiro

Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte
Claim/Job description
Director of International Relations
Language skills

Director of International Relations at Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte and Regional Secretary for Latin America and Caribbean at Metropolis.

Master in international Relations by PUC-Minas with concentration area of International Politics (2012). B.A. in International Relations by PUC-Minas (2008). College Professor with 5 years experience in the courses of International Relations, Business Management and Psychology (Newton Paiva), and Law (Faculdades Promove). Author at Grupo Editorial Letramento in Belo Horizonte. Self-Employed and Freelance Translator with more than 1 million words translated overall. Researcher and educational content producer with experience in designing for: Politics and International Relations; Geopolitics; International Security and Strategic Studies; Theory of International Relations (focusing on post-modern theories, critical and social theory and metatheory); Methodology in research and teaching in the areas of International Relations; Business Management and Team Management.

Case studies from Bernardo Ribeiro

International Volunteering Program
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

International Volunteering Program

Advancing Public Policy Development in Belo Horizonte
Biofactory of Ladybugs
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Biofactory of Ladybugs

Using predatory insects to promote biodiversity and safeguard human wellbeing.
Coding Dreams in Vilas and Favelas
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Coding Dreams in Vilas and Favelas

A training program to prepare the city's vulnerable population for roles in the information technology sector.

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