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Urban Agroforestry
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Urban Agroforestry

Building community agroforests to ensure food security for citizens.

Municipal Finance Program
Dakar, Senegal

Municipal Finance Program

Under the leadership of the Municipal Council of Dakar, the Dakar Municipal Finance Program (DMFP) has been developed to enable the City of Dakar to gain access to capital markets for its investment needs.

Shared Bicycle System of Bogotá D.C.
Bogotá, Colombia

Shared Bicycle System of Bogotá D.C.

Promoting accessibility, equity, and inclusion.

Biofactory of Ladybugs
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Biofactory of Ladybugs

Using predatory insects to promote biodiversity and safeguard human wellbeing.

Rehabilitation of Sierra de Guadalupe Natural Protected Area
Mexico City, Mexico

Rehabilitation of Sierra de Guadalupe Natural P...

A project to reduce the environmental deterioration of the city's Natural Protected Areas

Peynircioglu Stream Ecological Restoration Project
Izmir, Turkey

Peynircioglu Stream Ecological Restoration Project

Implementing nature-based solutions to improve the city’s environment and economy.

Improving Living Conditions in Poverty Stricken Areas
Amman, Jordan

Improving Living Conditions in Poverty Stricken...

Citizen participation in greening East Amman

Cuitláhuac Park
Mexico City, Mexico

Cuitláhuac Park

Transforming marginalized city areas into green spaces that foster social, economic, and environmental growth

International Volunteering Program
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

International Volunteering Program

Advancing Public Policy Development in Belo Horizonte