Last updated: 2019/08/06

Ryan, AICP Hughes

Seattle, United States
Claim/Job description
Urban Planning / International Economic Development
Language skills

Mr. Hughes' experience includes more than twelve years professional engagements and consultancies in Urban Planning, Program Management and Community and Economic Development. He has an extensive background in Project Management, Municipal Infrastructure, Business Development, and Environmental Protection. His significant international and cross-cultural experience has assisted communities in the USA and abroad. A professionally certified urban and regional planner with the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), Mr. Hughes' skills include: Comprehensive Planning Public Participation Land-Use Management and Controls Economic and Industry Analysis Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Project Tracking, and Management Consultation. In his current role, Mr. Hughes is assisting Yanbu Industrial City in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with strategic implementation of a comprehensive municipal economic development program with anticipated employment increase of over 30,000 jobs in industrial and manufacturing sectors.

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