Last updated: 2019/08/06



Madrid, Spain

Icons use community profile institution

Social & Funding Consulting

Icons use community profile claim job
Claim/Job description


Icons use community profile language
Language skills

Corporate Social Responsibility, Migration, Social and Integration Policies, Asylum and Refugees, International Human Rights Law Consultant with particular attention to European Union Law and Policies, specialised in the EU, Euro-Mediterranean and Latin-American regions. With a professional experience of more than 15 years working & living in Latin-American, the United States and the European Union.

Network scope: NGOs and CSOs, National and International Organizations, Entrepreneurial and CSOs networks, SMEs, Researchers, public and private sector.

Languages; Spanish, English, and French.

Education: PhD research (ongoing) on Corporate Social Responsibility Policies and Funding at the EU level. M.A in International and Comparative Business Law & Master on Migration, International Development and Humanitarian Action. Bachelor's Degree in Law.


  • Migration & Development
  • Refugee and Asylum Policies
  • Social policies and Vulnerability Groups
  • Trafficking in Human Beings
  • Social Integration
  • Identification of European Funding Lines

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