Last updated: 2019/08/06

Cortés Oliván

Cortés Oliván

Aragon, Spain

Icons use community profile institution

Zaragoza Activa (La Colaboradora), LAAAB

Icons use community profile claim job
Claim/Job description

Participation, Transparence, Cooperation and Volunteership General Manager at Government of Aragon (Spain)

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Language skills
Raúl Oliván is a Participation, Transparence, Cooperation and Volunteership General Manager at Aragon Goverment. Until december of 2017 he was Zaragoza Activa´s chief manager. Degree in Advertising and Public Relations (UOC), Diploma in Social Work (University of Zaragoza), Diploma in Public Participation Techniques (University of Zaragoza), Diploma in Strategic Urban Development (CIDEU). Part of the technical group of experts at Citizenship Innovation. 4th Sector Member Group Advisor at World Economic Forum  and SEGIB. He has collaborated with various institutions such as Kreanta Foundation; Ministry of Culture of Colombia; Instituto Procomum (Brazil); Nariño Goverment (Colombia) Santa Fe Goverment (Argentina) National Council of Social Work in Spain.

Twitter @raulolivan // blog

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