five approaches to

Circular Economy

Five case studies on the use platform provide practical solutions adopted by local governments to reduce the production of waste by encouraging recycling and re-use. Community engagement, health and well-being, environmental awareness and economic vibrancy are just some of the benefits of this approach.

These programmes and policies contribute to the achievement of SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

waste weighting
waste weighting - ©City of Surabaya

Smart Map Gothenburg

Smart map is a digital map that promotes a sustainable lifestyle by encouraging citizens to find alternatives to consumption.  It promotes access rather than ownership, facilitates new ways of connecting and encourages a strong sense of community. It is based on the involvment of local residents who participate in "map jam" events, to map as many sharing services in their city


Be circular - Be Brussels

Be Circular - Be Brussels is a call for initiatives with the objective of moving business activities towards a more sustainable model through the application of circular economy principles. It encourages local entrepreneurs to develop creative business initiatives that use circular economy concepts with support from local government agencies that provide a one-stop-service for entrepreneurs seeking information, support or funding.


Inside Out Antwerp

Inside Out is an innovative scheme that combines social care with work experience and education to give newly arrived refugees with textile and clothes making experience the support they need to gain self-esteem, secure jobs and contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry.


Separation at Source Programme (S@S)

The S@S programme in Johannesburg aims to reduce waste to landfills and establish a recycling economy with citizen support and participation. The municipality supports households and businesses to separate recyclables from non-recyclable waste, encouraging a community driven approach to waste management, waste prevention and waste minimisation.


3R - reduce, reuse, recycle

An informal settlement was selected to pilot a waste management program based on the 3R principles. Environment friendly ways of waste disposal were introduced including composting at different scales from home to neighbourhood, urban farming and wastewater treatment. The Surabaya city government also implemented a new and innovative way for citizens to pay for bus fares by using empty plastic bottles.


To read more case studies from a diverse range of cities , click on search and then click on circular economy in the choose topics field.

Published on 20/06/2019