Last updated: 2019/08/06

Ngounou Pouene Charlie Martial

Douala, Cameroon
Claim/Job description
Expert in Local Finances
Language skills

Based in Cameroon, Charlie is an activist for local governance, budget transparency, accountability and citizen engagement in local affairs. Since 2009, he is an expert in public finance and local governance for the Association Internationale des Maires Francophones (AIMF) and has led various projects for municipal finance, transparency and accountability for local governments in Cameroon, Gabon, Chad, CAR, Comoros, etc.

He is a member the OECD/UCLG World Observatory on Sub-National Government Finance and Investment as an expert of United Cities and Local Governments Africa (UCLGA). He is one of the 3 members of the Independent Accountability Committee (IAC) of the Global CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE). He belongs to the Advisory Group for TAP Network SDG Accountability Handbook. He has just been selected as a member of Independent Review Panel of Accountable Now, a network of International NGOs promoting the global standard for NGO Accountability. He is also one of the lead of the Conference Afrique Francophone des Données Ouvertes (CAFDO) for the promotion of Data Revolution in Africa.

In 2007, he founded AfroLeadership, a CSO promoting local democracy, human rights, digital rights, and Open Data in local governments in Africa. He has various professional certifications in decentralization and local governance (UCLG), municipal finance (Worldbank), public finance (Unitar) and governance/transparency (Unpan), etc.

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