Last updated: 2019/08/06

Iezzoni Massimo

Montréal, Canada
Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal
Claim/Job description
Director General Montreal Metropolitain Community
Language skills

Massimo Iezzoni is an accomplished manager and skillful communicator. He was instrumental in positioning the Montreal Metropolitan Community as a major player in land planning in the Montreal metropolitan area. During the process of preparing and adopting the first metropolitan land use and development plan, he was able to rally all the stakeholders around an innovative and unique vision to manage the future growth of the region in a complex political governance context.

Today, he is dedicated in his commitment for an attractive, competitive and sustainable Greater Montreal through the implementation of the metropolitan plan with projects such as the Green and Blue Network, the Oka-Mont-Saint-Hilaire bike path and the planning of transit oriented development neighborhoods.

He organized  with his team in 2015, an Habitat III conference in Montréal wich adopted the Montréal declaration on metropolitan areas. He contributed to the Montréal and Milan OECD territorial exams on metropolitan regions and he taught courses on local governance at the Université du Québec in Montréal. He was also Director general for the city of Longueuil. 1n 2016-2017, he was a member of a Transition Board to implement a new metropolitain public transit governance model for the Montréal Region.

Massimo Iezzoni has been involved in municipal and metropolitan management in the last 30 years.  He  is holder of a Masters degree in Public Policy and Public Analysis from Concordia University  and of a bachelor degree in poliitical science from Université du Québec à Montréal. He received the  Blanche-Lemco-Van-Ginkel in 2013 for his significant contribution to land planning in Québec by the Ordre des urbanistes du Québec.

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