Last updated: 2020/03/28

Ludy Stefanny Diaz Rodriguez

Bogotá, Colombia
Technische Universität Dortmund
Claim/Job description
Professional on Climate change adaptation and regional planning
Language skills
Hi everyone, it's a pleasure for me to join this exchange platform. I´m an environmental Engineer with additional studies in natural resources management. I have been working on different projects related to regional planning from ecosystemic perspective but also particular studies of Risk into the cities and town planning process in my home country Colombia. 
However, my knowledge and experience in climate change adaptation challenges and measures is my passion and I'm so grateful to have the amazing opportunity to lead the adaptation team of adaptation to climate change the Environmental Ministry in my country until I decided to come to Germany to join the Master "Regional Development Planning and Management." 
Planning is my passion, and I wish to improve and share my knowledge with people around the world. I firmly believe the exchange of success but sometimes even more exchange of error and the lesson learned, represent an invaluable input for every planning process :)

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