Last updated: 2020/05/13

García Pizarro María

García Pizarro María

Barcelona (ciudad), Spain

Icons use community profile institution

Iberoamerican Union of Municipalists

Icons use community profile claim job
Claim/Job description

General Manager Iberoamerican Union of Municipalists

Icons use community profile language
Language skills

Dedicated to the study and practice of Strategic Planning, Development of Inclusive and Accessible Territorial Governance Strategies with extensive experience in Spain, Latin America and China.

With extensive experience in the construction and management of collaborative systems that allow the strengthening of citizen participation and appropriation to formulate urban agendas based on governance.

Extensive work to strengthen institutional capacities and support in the formulation of public policies that allow the construction of competitive and attractive territories.

I work on the definition and strategies of economic development, being the territory a key economic actor and axis of innovative actions.

With a great practice in the articulation of project financing systems, fundraising and management of constant monitoring and evaluation systems.

With a sustained activity in the field of international cooperation with a broad knowledge of Latin American and European cooperation systems, of international actors and of the various existing instances of networking.


2018- Present, General Manager Iberoamerican Union of Municipalists

Represent the organization before international, public and private organizations. Develop strategic and operational plans; perform the technical supervision of the programs and projects in execution.  Assume the management of Human Resources; Design strategies for the diversification and expansion of the sources of financing at local and regional level- Identify counterparts and action sectors- Prepare the Communication Plan.

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