Strengthening the Women of El Alto (Bolivia) through Cultivation of Agricultural Products


El Alto

Main actors

NGO / Philanthropy, Community / Citizen Group

Project area

Whole City/Administrative Region


Ongoing since 2011

The project for self-sustaining agriculture focuses on local families and especially on the women who have organized themselves in almost 600 community organizations in order to take care of daily issues in residential areas.

Although the inhabitants of El Alto spend the main part of their income on food, they are not able to afford a healthy diet. Most houses in El Alto are supplied with a patio that is big enough for a small greenhouse and a barn for chickens or guinea pigs. This measure allows them to eat healthier, to improve their children’s school performance, to generate an additional income by vending some of the products and, altogether, to stabilize their social situation.

Originally published by the International Community of Practice for Sustainable Urban Development CONNECTIVE CITIES:

Sustainable Development Goals

End poverty in all its forms everywhereEnd hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agricultureEnsure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesEnsure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for allAchieve gender equality and empower all women and girlsReduce inequality within and among countriesMake cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
El Alto, Bolivia
Size and population development
Second-largest city in Bolivia; fast growing population of 1,000,000 inhabitants.
Population composition
Largest city in Latin America which has a mostly Amerindian population.
Main functions
El Alto is the highest major metropolis worldwide (average elevation of 4,150 m). City is part of the most populous metropolitan area in Bolivia.
Main industries / business
Construction, automotive industry, transport, clothing, food processing, domestic services and education.
Sources for city budget
Political structure
The municipal council is composed of 11 elected members. The Mayor of El Alto is the head of the city government, elected for a term of five years.
Administrative structure
El Alto is part of the El Alto-La Paz metropolitan area, formed by the cities of El Alto, La Paz, and Viacha; 14 districts in El Alto.

El Alto is a former slum area in Bolivia’s capital city La Paz and is located at an altitude of 4.000 meters. It is not only one of the poorest cities in Latin America, but also one of the fastest growing cities worldwide. From its more than one million inhabitants around half is younger than 19 years old. The main part of the population works in the informal sector and can barely read or write. Only few people achieve an income of more than 200 Dollars monthly. Especially children suffer from this situation and the widespread malnutrition. The local government cannot keep up with the developments and is incapable of dealing with the situation. In order to take care of daily issues in residential areas, local families have organized themselves in almost 600 community organizations. The FOCAPACI project for self-sustaining agriculture focuses on these families and especially on the women.

Main support of the project is Focapaci, a social center of the Catholic Church for education and training on political participation. The project cooperates with women and mothers on self-sustaining agriculture. By enhancing their knowledge on cultivation and care of crops and livestock, the project seeks to not only supply the families with a healthier diet, but also to granting them access to local markets, to increase their income and to build up sustainable economic structures.

In 2011, the project is presented in several of El Alto’s citizen parliaments and hundreds of women manifest their interest in the project. They organize themselves in producers’ associations of 10 to 15 women. In these groups the women discuss weekly activities and produce bricks for building floors and walls of the greenhouses. Focapaci reimburses half of the costs and constructs the translucent roofs. The women receive training in cultivation of around 20 different types of vegetables and fruits as well as in livestock breeding of chickens and guinea pigs. In this way, they grow lettuce, carrots and cabbage in their greenhouse beds, strawberries along the walls as well as herbs and peppers in old plastic bottles used as pots. The surplus is sold on local markets or delivered to kindergartens. For the women of El Alto this means a huge challenge, as they have to convince people through intensive discussions to pay an increased amount for the healthier products. Additionally, they are not used to orient their production towards a sales market.

Through the cultivation of agricultural products, the families are able to significantly improve their diet. Additionally, around 70 children in the age of 6 to 13 years profit from a daily delivery of fresh fruits and vegetables, which they receive in the nursery. Since the children’s diet is more balanced, pedagogic staff reports improvements in the children’s attention and their overall performance in school. This is probably also due to the fact that the women now work at home and can therefore spend more time with their children. The project also contributed to an increase of family incomes as the women are selling the surplus on local markets. Additionally, the producers’ associations’ self- administration has improved and social recognition of the women increased. Through a reciprocal exchange and regular trainings, the women have learnt additional production methods; e.g. how to cultivate plants by means of drip irrigation in order to economize the scarce resource water.

The project is being continued with the objective to build additional greenhouses at schools. Thereby, it seeks to increase children’s and inhabitants’ conscience of the environment and its protection as well as a healthy diet and to encourage them to cultivate in their backyards. Provided that a sufficient amount of donations from Europe and the U.S. is being received, an additional educational farm for adolescents will be constructed. Moreover, the women from El Alto, together with their community organizations and supported by Focapaci, participate in urban development processes and advocate the formalization of their fast growing informal settlements. They are increasingly starting to be more independent and autonomous.

- Strengthening the Women of El Alto, Bolivia, through Cultivation of Agricultural Products in Residential Quarters, CONNECTIVE CITIES: (accessed 23 February 2016).

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