There are three main project components that have been implemented between 2018 and 2022 :
1. Participatory data collection for a disability-inclusive city
In 2018, Kota Kita, in collaboration with UNESCO Jakarta, conducted a participatory data collection project. A group of volunteers collected data by going door-to-door in each neighborhood surveying 3,897 persons with disabilities, and documenting the experiences of persons living with disabilities in Banjarmasin. The data collection also included a series of interviews with different stakeholders, observation and geographical analysis, and focus group discussions at the community and city levels. The findings from this participatory data collection process were published in a joint publication that inlcuded a comprehensive disability profile of the city and a toolbox of practice and program ideas.
2. Inclusive design and placemaking
In 2019 and 2020, Kota Kita conducted a co-design process as part of the TUMI Urban Mobility Initiative and implemented a Safe School Zone project in Gadang, Banjarmasin. Together with Banjarmasin's Department of Transportation (DoT), the schools, and Urban+ Institute, Kota Kita have worked to improve the crosswalk area of two inclusive schools — SDN Gadang 2 and SMPN 1 — by establishing tactical traffic management, thus, providing safe and accessible parking, drop off and pick up areas for all. The initiative was implemented through a series of activities: starting from engaging with local stakeholders and technical collaborators, conducting co-design workshops with students, organizing workshops and consultations with local stakeholders, design finalization, and the development and construction of the agreed design and participatory mural activities with students. The construction was completed in September 2021, and the facility is currently used daily by the students and residents of Gadang.
Continuing the co-design initiative, in 2021, Kota Kita, through AT2030's Build Capacity and Participation program, collaborated with communities in two neighborhoods, Pelambuan and Kelayan Barat. Through a series of discussions and co-design workshops with the community, this initiative collected and categorized aspirations, ideas and priority needs from citizens, which will be realized through the construction of an inclusive public space in both neighborhoods. The initiative adopted participatory methods utilizing personas, toy figures, and mockups to engage the perspective of people with disabilities, assistive technology users, older people, and other residents in identifying collective needs and encouraging more meaningfully participation in the design process. As of May 2022, the construction of the public space is in progress, with direct monitoring from the community.
3. Inclusive mobility through prototype making of accessible rides
As part of the TUMI Urban Mobility program, Kota Kita co-designed and developed accessible rides to support persons with disabilities and provide access to inclusive mobility and new sources of income. The three-wheeled motorbike prototype was developed together with Difabike, authorized technical workshops, universities (Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin), schools (SMAN 2 Model Banjarmasin and SMK NU Banjarmasin), and the persons with disabilities (PwDs) community.
After the design development, the team replicated and produced ten accessible rides in Banjarmasin and Yogyakarta that drivers with disabilities can use for their daily mobility needs to support their economic activities. In September 2021, the program launched "Modifa", a community-based platform for three-wheeled motorcycle ridesharing and organized sharing sessions between DPOs, the users, and professional drivers. The platform was created to sustain the effort of empowering more drivers and passengers with disabilities in the long term.