Climate Action

Sustainable Development Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Click on the case studies below to find out what programs, projects and policies are being implemented in cities around the globe to accomplish Goal 13.

Learn more about the targets and indicators of SDG 13 at UN Sustainbale Development Knowledge Platform.

Case studies

212 case studies available.

Green Challenge
Mexico City, Mexico

Green Challenge

A program that contributes to the mitigation and adaptation of climate change, risk management and the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Climate, Air and Energy Territorial Plan
Grand Lyon, France

Climate, Air and Energy Territorial Plan

A collaborative roadmap for sustainable development

A green makeover for Heritage Buildings
Lisbon, Portugal

A green makeover for Heritage Buildings

A quest towards sustainable heritage.

Co-housing for Ageing Well
City of Unley, Australia

Co-housing for Ageing Well

A collaborative housing model to assist older people to stay living in their communities.

The Capucins eco-district
Brest, France

The Capucins eco-district

The Urban renewal of an industrial heritage site.

Cycle Superhighways
The Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark

Cycle Superhighways

Long, cohesive cycle routes linking urban areas and workplaces across municipal borders.

Eco Efficiency policy
Quito, Ecuador

Eco Efficiency policy

Building a sustainable city around the existing public transport system

Walkable City Seoul
Seoul , South Korea

Walkable City Seoul

Showcasing the positive social, environmental and economic impact of a walkable city.

A Non-Motorised Transport Corridor pilot project
Kampala, Uganda

A Non-Motorised Transport Corridor pilot project

Non-motorised transport improves walkability, reduces fatalities and promotes equity and inclusion.