five approaches to

Gender Inclusion

The five case studies below demonstrate the results of including gender perspective in city planning and policy making. From assisting women to set up their own business, learning how to ride a bike as a means of independent transport and using technology to increase their safety in public spaces.

These programmes and policies contribute to the achievement of SDG5: gender equality and empower all women and girls.

SafeitPin, Bogota
SafeitPin, Bogota - ©Secretaria Distrital de la Mujer, Bogotá

Santa Ana en Cleta

Santa Ana en Cleta is a project dedicated to transforming the mobility and road culture of the city’s 57,000 citizens by promoting gender equality and sustainable mobility. The first stage of the project is focused on empowering women by teaching them how to ride a bike and to use it as a means of transport. The Santa Ana en Cleta initiative will help increase bicycle usage, improve health and safety of communities and beautify urban environments.


Building sustainable income and employment opportunities through micro-enterprises

To combat rising unemployment, the City of Dakar is implementing a project to create decent jobs and sustainable incomes through the promotion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and skills development for youth and women. The project will span five years and focuses on the agricultural and services value chains that will broaden opportunities for both target groups. A pilot phase was initiated for the enterprise incubator system with almost 50% of the beneficiaries were women.


Guide: providing support to women entrepreneurs

Guide provides training, advice, counselling and networking opportunities to female entrepreneurs. It supports women in planning and establishing their own service sector business, women who are returning to the labour market after raising a family and women who may encounter problems finding employment. Women can access consulting services and explore if entrepreneurship is the right option for them. Guide regularly organises seminars, workshops and networking events where women can share their knowledge, experience and expertise.,


Using SafetiPin to build safer cities for women

SafetiPin is a map-based mobile and desktop application developed by the City of Bototá, that works to make communities and cities safer by providing information collected by users and trained auditors. At the core of the app is the Women's Safety Audit, a participatory tool for collecting and assessing information about perceptions of urban safety in public spaces. The audit is based on nine parameters - Lighting, Openness, Visibility, Crowd, Security, Walkpath, Availability of Public Transport, Gender Diversity and Feeling.


Mezitli Women Producers Market

Mezitli Women Producers Market provides women with space and support to sell their produce and products. The project encourages women to be economically pro-active and helps reduce their dependency on family, particularly male relatives and spouses. The Women Producers Market is part of a broader strategy of the Municipality of Mezitli to support gender equality. At the same time, the project is also supportive of local small-scale production, that is environmentally sustainable and fosters social interaction between women of different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.


To read more case studies from a diverse range of cities, click on search and then click on gender equality in the choose topics field.

Last updated at 10/04/2024