Last updated: 2019/08/06


Barcelona (ciudad), Spain
Claim/Job description
International Tourism Consultant
Language skills
Multi-award winning, international, tourism consultant who has undertaken tourism development and policy planning in 55 countries around the world. Clients have included major international economic development agencies (including the UN World Tourism Organisation, UNESCO, World Bank, EU) as well as many national, regional and local governments. Private sector Clients include major tourism operators, land owners and property developers / investors.
Over the past 10 years he has completed a wide range of benchmarking studies using a specially developed model. Terry is Visiting Professor at several Universities and is currently working with the School of Management at Swansea University. He is the UNWTOs Technical Expert on sport and tourism and the author of the UNWTO Da Nang Declaration of Sport and Tourism 2016. 
He has received life time achievement award for contributions to tourism in a number of destinations and has published over 350 books and articles on tourism related topics. He is also a member of the Global Wellness Institute's Wellness Tourism Group

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