Last updated: 2020/04/02

Peiró Karma

Barcelona (ciudad), Spain
Claim/Job description
Independent journalist
Language skills

- Author of the Research Work of the Report (chapter 2): «Artificial Intelligence. Automated Decisions in Catalonia», about ethics on AI and data protection (edited by Catalan Authority of Data Protection- APDCAT) (2020).

- Collaboration at the European report: “Automating society. Taking stock of automated decision-making in the EU”, coordinated and produced by the ONG Algorithm Watch and Bertelsman Stiftung. Supported by the Open Society Foundation.  Author of Chapter: “Spain” (2018).

- Lecturer in seminars and debates related to data journalism, ethics of artificial intelligence, transparency of information, open data and digital communication.-      

- Investigation with open data: «Desprotegides, malgrat tot» («Unprotected, in spite of») about male violence against women in Catalonia, with an objective of accountability. Team with journalists Xaquín Veira  and Rocío Minvielle, and the collaboration of the Fundació.cat. (2019) (

- #Cuéntalo Project: big data analysis to preserve the collective voice from social media. Analysis with IA of 2,75 million tweets telling stories about male violence against women around the world. Team with the Association of Archivists of Catalonia, the feminist journalist Cristina Fallarás and the SuperComputing Barcelona Centre (2018). (

- Data expeditions related to health, environment, labour conciliation, female poverty, industry 4.0 and future work. Organized by Iniciativa Barcelona Open Data. Director of on day hands-on to find, explore and visualize data with different professionals, in addition to data scientist and data journalist. (2018 and 2019)

- Coordinator of Diploma in Data Journalism at the Faculty of International Relations and Communication Ramon Llull Blanquerna (Barcelona). Professor of Ethics&Data Journalism (2018-19)

- Teaching for journalists about the transparency of information and data journalism at Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya (2019)

- Professor of Master and Degree: ‘Digital Journalism’, and ‘Reporterism and Hypermedia Production’ at Blanquerna. (From 2003-05 and 2011 to 2015).

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