Last updated: 2023/09/13

Liteboho Makhele

Liteboho Makhele

Johannesburg, South Africa

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South African Cities Network

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Claim/Job description

Programme Manager: Sustainable and Resilient Cities

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Language skills

Liteboho is a seasoned Sustainability Specialist and Programme Manager with 20 years’ experience working across public and private sector organisations on applied research, education and community buildings, urban regeneration, environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

In her current role as Programme Manager: Sustainable and Resilient Cities at the South African Cities Network, she focuses on climate change adaptation, water security and resilience, energy diversification and integrated waste management in the metropolitan municipalities of South Africa. Liteboho’s work also places emphasis on the institutional shifts and governance arrangements required for the acceleration of sustainability transitions in cities.

She is a Salzburg Global Fellow for Parks for the Planet Forum, a mentor on the Emerging Urban Leaders (EUL) Program co-convened by Salzburg Global Seminar and World Urban Parks and is a Danida Fellow for Environmental Governance. Liteboho is also a moderator of the Sustainable Cities module of the Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development at the University of Stellenbosch.

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