Last updated: 2021/08/11

Kátia Fenyves

São Paulo, Brazil
British Government in Brazil
Claim/Job description
Head of UK-Brazil Green Finance Programme
Language skills

I am a young professional who holds a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from the University of São Paulo and a Master Degree in Public Policy and Governance from SciencesPo Paris. I have always been passionate by cooperation for development in all its scales - community, local, national and international – and have had the opportunity to experience it both academically and professionally.

I wrote my Master thesis on gender mainstreaming in urban public policies studying the case of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, where I also supported the management of a project called Maisons Digitales led by Orange Foundation, which aimed at reducing women digital exclusion rates in the country. I coordinated a scoping study for the French Development Agency in Dakar (Senegal) and Maputo (Mozambique) on the mismatches between demanded skills and training offer to youth in urban labor markets, as inclusion in the labor market has always been a theme of interest for me.

I worked in the implementation of integrated measures of Solidarity Economy for the municipality of Diadema (Great São Paulo, Brazil) as a strategy to promote local sustainable development. Among many working fronts, I supported capacity building, organization and monitoring of waste pickers’ cooperatives and advocated for their consideration and inclusion in the local policies of solid waste management.

In Caritas, I worked to support individual legal assistance for asylum seekers and refugees in Brazil.

I then coordinated the Biodiversity and Resilience Area of ICLEI South America, promoting local governments protagonism in sustainable development, a very challenging but amazing opportunity.

Currently, I have been leading the Green Finance Programme for the British Diplomatic Mission in Brazil fostering Sustainable Finance agenda consolidation in Brazil, which I believe is a powerful tool to promote a low-carbon and just economic transition and, therefore, development.

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