Last updated: 2023/09/26

Jairo Eduardo Galvis-Bonilla

Bogotá, Colombia
Creación Urbana SAS
Claim/Job description
Language skills

Architect, master's in advertising and Entrepreneur with a decade of experience in market research, business structuring and real estate development. Co-founder of Creación Urbana SAS, an urban research workshop that works on issues related to the creation and mutation of urban and architectural space under the conditions of the real estate market, urban regulations, territorial development, and public, private, and community urban management. I am passionate about teaching, urban analysis using geographic information systems, data analysis, the creation of cartographic products, territory-brands, public space intervention actions, and research aimed at exploring new opportunities for the development of real estate business. I believe that these tools can transform and improve the quality of life and can be applied in both the private and public sectors.

Professionally, I am oriented to support people and companies in the structuring, management, and promotion of real estate projects, strengthen architectural design processes, participate in the construction of public policies to improve the quality of life in urban and residential spaces. I contribute to the generation of knowledge related to various urban dynamics in collaboration with academia.

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