Last updated: 2023/11/20

Ignacio Rada Cotera

Bilbao, Spain
IkerConsulting European and Regional Innovation SL
Claim/Job description
URBACT Lead Expert
Language skills

I am strongly motivated to continue my professional career working on international projects, coordinating interdisciplinary working teams, promoting the exchange of experiences in urban development and interregional environments, contributing to increasing local capacities through innovative approaches, and improving local policy instruments. Cities and metropolitan areas are of special interest, given the high impact of any intervention, as they are densely populated areas with a significant concentration of activity (economic, social, political, and cultural) and represent a melting pot of identities, cultures, and agents. I have valuable experience in European projects, co-funded mainly by ERDF projects, but by other programs (Research Framework Programme 6, 7 and Horizon 2020, e-content) where I have not only worked on but also managed multicultural working groups, activities that I have been successfully carrying out over 20 years, with personal interest and passion.

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