The School of Citizenship and Coexistence is administered through a partnership with three local NGOs; The Moroccan Association for the Integration of Migrants [Asociación Marroquí para la Integración de los Inmigrantes], together with Incide (an organization focused on fostering citizenship participation, civic education, diversity and inclusion), and Arrabal (an association aiming to support the social and labor inclusion of all people).
The partners work with all residents of the city, regardless of their country of origin. Its activities are planned through a steering committee composed of more than 30+ community-based organisations and local residents, who analyse the needs of the community and then decide on the type of activities, methodologies and implementation process.
The activities include training in NGO management, social entities and youth issues; awareness programmes on migration, racism, the environment and other topics; and citizen participation through photographic competitions, theatre, live library, and many other activities.
After the project’s initial implementation, the Steering Committee developed its own values and principles, which guide its activities. These are:
- Global: open and accessible to all, with activities related to global and local realities.
- Democratic: based on citizenship and shared responsibility.
- Participative: generating active citizenship and spaces for shared decision making.
- Egalitarian: recognizing the fundamental rights and duties of individual persons and collectives.
- Multicultural: tolerant, pluralistic, recognizing the value of differences.
- Caring: based on cooperation, solidarity and mutual learning
- Constructive: civic and fostering social coexistence.
- Environmentally responsible: fostering responsible consumption and ecological values.
- Creative and innovative: a space for renewing and fostering collective creativity.