The City and Gu-office have allocated 7.74 million dollars in 2023. They are mobilizing the resources of hospitals, police agencies, the National Health Insurance Service, regional social security councils, social welfare facilities, etc.
City Operates collaborative governance, provides operational guidelines, establishes Care Call (one-call application channel) lines, develops a dedicated computer system, promotes the care services to citizens, trains care managers, and distributes best practices.
Gu-office Operates 16 newly established services (selects service providers, controls quality, pays costs, etc.), and supports Dong-office care managers activities.
Dong-office Home visits (application visits, compulsory visits) ➝ Care-level assessment ➝ Care plan establishment ➝ Service linkage/referral ➝ Evaluation/follow-up management
Public Institution (Gwangju Metropolitan Social Service Institute) Dedicated to emergency care and caregiver training.
Private organisations Private organizations from diverse areas—welfare, medicine, architecture, etc. participate in providing 15 types of care services.
Assembly Enacts ordinances (legal grounds) and takes votes to confirm budgets.
Partner organisations (social welfare associations, medical societies, health insurance corporations, etc.) Identify citizens in need of care and provide additional resources to institutions.